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“ Problem? The Solution:Paid Promotion.”

EA Tech Digital is the leading social media company in Bhubaneswar, Odisha. We believe in results. Our SMM experts can generate more quality leads through Paid Promotion Campaign. Paid promotion of content involves paying for any media space or placement. Usually ads or advertorial, they're targeted toward your individual audience segmentation. Paid promotion is a great opportunity to assess whether your content is working and whether your marketing message resonates with your audience. It also allows for great scale and reaches for your marketing campaigns.


What are the benefits of paid promotion?

Right audience – Customer target option make the paid promotion more accurate. Paid promotion ensures your content reaches the right audience at the right time by essentially making it visible in their newsfeeds. It allows you to target through Geographic location, Age, Gender, Interests, Behaviors etc.

Maximizes reach - Paid promotion maximizes your reach by boost your ads impression and gets your content seen by a large group of people to make it worthwhile investing in and creating in the first place.

Brand Visibility- Paid promotion increases your brand awareness. Organically it might be possible to reach your customers once. But thanks to paid promotion, you can reach your target group again and again. It makes sure that people who may never have heard of your brand or business offering before are made aware of it by seeing your content boosted into their newsfeeds.

Facebook Paid Promotions

Facebook advertising appears in three spaces:

Social newsfeed--Within the social newsfeeds of consumers who are browsing their friends' and family's posts, Facebook offers an opportunity for brands to insert their messages amongst that newsfeed content. This is more engaging nowadays.

Facebook Display--Facebook display advertising largely appears on the right-hand side of Facebook.

Facebook Network--Facebook has access to a network of affiliate brands, media publishers, and mobile apps. Ads that appear here are essentially outside of Facebook, but are displayed through Facebook's ad-buying process.

With Facebook advertising formats, it's very important that you're mapping each of your ad placements to an ad objective. This will help you achieve the best reach, relevancy, and engagement for your piece of content. Follow the guidelines specific to each ad format to ensure successful placement of your Facebook or indeed Instagram ad through the Facebook platform.


X Paid Promotions

X paid promotion encompasses a wide range of advertising tactics aimed at reaching and engaging with a target audience through paid channels. By strategically investing in paid promotions, businesses can amplify their reach, increase visibility, and drive desired actions among their target demographics. Formats include:

Promoted Ads.

Promoted Ads are paid advertisements that appear within users' timelines, targeting specific audiences based on interests, demographics, and behaviors, to increase visibility and engagement for brands or products..

Vertical Video Ads.

These ads are designed to capitalize on the increasing popularity of vertical video content, optimized for mobile viewing, offering a seamless and immersive experience for users.

X Amplify.

X Amplify is a Twitter advertising program that enables brands to partner with influential creators to create and promote engaging content, leveraging the creators' audiences for increased reach and impact.

X Takeover:.

X Takeover is a high-impact advertising feature on Twitter that allows brands to dominate users' timelines with their messaging, creating a memorable and immersive brand experience..

X Live.

X Live is a feature that allows brands to stream live video content directly on Twitter, engaging with their audience in real-time, fostering authenticity and building stronger connections with followers.

Dynamic Product Ads:.

These ads automatically promote relevant products to users based on their browsing behavior or past interactions, offering personalized recommendations and driving conversions for e-commerce businesses.

X Ad Features.

X Ad Features refer to various additional functionalities and enhancements offered by Twitter to advertisers, such as advanced targeting options, customizable call-to-action buttons, and analytics tools, enabling brands to optimize their ad campaigns for better performance and results.

Instagram Paid Promotions

Right now, the country with the largest addressable Instagram ad audience size is in India 180 million, followed by the United States (170 million) and Brazil (110 million).

Always make sure to connect your Facebook and Instagram accounts before activating any Instagram advertising.

Some formal objectives for Instagram advertising include app download, video views, or click to website.

Instagram also benefits from really powerful targeting tools worked into Facebook's ad manager, to make sure you're targeting effectively.


LinkedIn Paid Promotions

LinkedIn primarily offers two advertising formats for content marketing. These are text ads and sponsored updates. Both are available through the LinkedIn self-service advertising platform. LinkedIn also operates an algorithmic newsfeed similar to Facebook, which means publishers really need to leverage their updates with sponsored payment to achieve greater reach and engagement with their audiences.


Text ads. These are display ads which run alongside profile pages. These can incorporate an image and a line of text. Generally, they should always include a call to action.

Sponsored updates. Sponsored updates are pieces of content like articles or posts from an individual or a business, which can be sponsored and pushed into more users' newsfeeds. These are very similar to Facebook promoted posts. The newsfeed that LinkedIn uses is called Pulse.

Google and YouTube Paid Promotions

Google-owned YouTube has a number of advertising formats available to social media marketers. These will help your video content achieve more views. Some of these formats include:

Some YouTube formats available to content marketers include:

In-Search. In-search highlights your video in the YouTube search terms. This makes your video stand out ahead of all your competitors.

In-Display. In-display shows your video as a sponsored item in the Suggested Videos panel on the right-hand side.

In-Stream. In-stream ads, also known as pre-rolls, play as a trailer before another video. These can also be incorporated to include a call-to-action overlay footer, which shows during video playback.

In-Slate. In-slate video ads show your video as a suggestion at the end of a video play.

With the auction format, you are competing for ad space with other advertisers, so make sure to set a maximum cost per view or a cost per impression. Try to outbid other advertisers for your content to be seen ahead of theirs. But make sure you keep an eye on your content-marketing budget, so these costs don't spiral out of control.

Some YouTube formats available to content marketers include:

In-Search. In-search highlights your video in the YouTube search terms. This makes your video stand out ahead of all your competitors.

In-Display. In-display shows your video as a sponsored item in the Suggested Videos panel on the right-hand side.

In-Stream. In-stream ads, also known as pre-rolls, play as a trailer before another video. These can also be incorporated to include a call-to-action overlay footer, which shows during video playback.

In-Slate. In-slate video ads show your video as a suggestion at the end of a video play.


Reddit Paid Promotions

Reddit offers promoted posts and a sponsored link to a thread on the platform. This can be placed either on the Reddit home page or within a dedicated subreddit. Your budget and impressions/frequency limits will determine how often your sponsored thread is viewed. It's very important to note that, while this is a paid placement and the nature of Reddit is upvotes and downvotes, your paid placement will remain at the top of the intended page, regardless of how many downvotes it gets. This is great for increasing visibility of your brand message on one of the Reddit subreddits or on the main page.